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Personally, I have felt very unequipped for my calling and that is a big reason I have struggled when it comes to doing the podcast. I know the Lord has called me to it but there are so many reasons I do not feel qualified to be a podcast host. However, I continue to do it because God has called me to do it for a reason.
Honestly, there are many reasons I feel unequipped for my calling but one is that I haven’t fully read or studied the Bible. How can I teach people about their faith if I still have so many questions of my own? Another reason is that I truly feel too young. I feel like a baby when it comes to my faith and in life, so I feel as though people won’t take me seriously. Even through my questions and concerns when it comes to my calling, I continue to pursue it. Why? Because God has a reason behind it and who am I to question Him?
If you too are questioning your calling, I encourage you to dive into the Bible. There are so many who questioned their calling, but God guided them. God will guide you too if you allow Him to.
People in the Bible who Question their Calling \
1. Moses
When God asked Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt Moses asked God “Who am I that I should do this?” We see this in Exodus 3:11-12 along with the Lord’s response to Moses. God tells Moses that He will be with Moses and that this will be a sign that God has sent him. It does not matter who you are or what you have done God has a plan for you and your life. The Lord can and will still use you no matter your past because you are not the person you used to be.
Also remember no matter what the Lord calls you to do He is with you. You do not have to do this by your own power and strength use God’s. Reach out to Him, spend time with Him and grow your faith and He will lead you.
2. Jeremiah
Another person who didn’t feel like he could do his calling was Jeremiah. He felt too young for his calling as many of us do. Jeremiah 1:7-9 shows us that being too young is no excuse for not doing your calling. God reminds Jeremiah that the Lord is with him and that he is not doing it alone.
Do not use your age or the length of Christianity as an excuse to not follow your calling. God did not allow Jeremiah to so it will not be a valid excuse for you. The enemy wants you to feel like you cannot do it, but God knows you can. List to the Lord and not the enemy.
3. The Bleeding Woman
Finally, the last example I have for you is the bleeding woman from the book of Matthew. The bleeding woman wasn’t exactly scared of her calling, but she was more scared of the judgement from others so she did not fully step into what it could have been.
Now, this woman was not too afraid to reach out to Jesus to be healed but she was too afraid to speak to Jesus face to face. She reached out to touch Jesus’ cloak and was healed by it because of her faith which is amazing. However, it could have also been a miracle if she came to Jesus face to face and he healed her. More people might have heard and seen the miracle if she went about it that way.
Many are like this woman because we take the bare minimum instead of everything God is offering us when it comes to our calling. A lot of the time we are too scared of the calling that has been placed on our hearts because we do not feel worthy due to our past or sins. We become like the bleeding woman because we just reach out and touch the cloak when it comes to what God is offering us. The thing is we should stop accepting the scraps! We need to reach out and give everything to God and allow Him to use us in every way He wants.
Do not let your past take away from the things God is calling you to do. Forgive yourself because the Lord has and let him use you. Let God heal you and then He could use your past to help others come to Him.
Remember it is not by your power that you will fulfill your calling it is by God’s. Continue to take steps to grow your faith and be brave so that you take the steps in your calling. Don’t let your calling pass you by. Do what the Lord has asked of you. There is no one God can’t use.
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