A few months ago, I was struggling with my mental health. My head was constantly spinning, and I felt as though my mind was so full of thoughts that there wasn’t room for many more. I was struggling with friendships, family members, and had loads of work sitting and waiting for me. I was drowning. All of life’s obligations sat waiting for me yet I had no energy or mental capacity to deal with any of it. For a while I ignored the feelings that laid heavy on my heart and mind but eventually, I realized I needed complete and total rest. One of the best ways I could think of to obtain that rest was getting off social media for the week.
Throughout the week there were many benefits that I was seeing. First off, I realized that I was addicted to social media and being accessible to others. I questioned if people were messaging me on my platforms or if they needed me, but I realized if those who were truly close to me needed me, they would reach out. Eventually, I forgot about those unread messages and realized the importance of boundaries. If I set time away from social media, then I wouldn’t be accessible to everyone which in turn gave me more time for myself. We must be conscious of how much time we are giving others compared to how much time we are giving ourselves. Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup.
Secondly, I noticed that I had so much more time for the things that were important to me. God and my relationship with Him became more of a priority. In my spare minutes I used them to jump on my Bible app or I would use the notepad on my phone to pray. My time at home was spent reading, crafting, and enjoying nature. There was less noise coming at me and that made my mind quiet and ready to make room for the activities I love. Social media can be the thief of our time, so it is important to be mindful of how much it is getting.
I was also able to find more time to relax because I wasn’t surrounding myself with other’s successes. The stress and impending doom that filled me because I felt behind in life slowly disappeared. I was not able to see what others had and what I did not, so it made me more grateful for my life. It allowed me to reflect on how far I have come instead of comparing myself to others. Sometimes social media can make us feel like we are not far enough in life and that we are failing so it’s important to take a step back that way we can see how far we have come and where we are going next.
Memories were made and I lived in the moment instead of behind a screen. Sometimes I can get so wrapped up in what to post on social media that I miss the world around me. Instead of reorganizing my breakfast so it was esthetically pleasing I piled my pancakes high not worried they would topple over when I poured the sticky syrup over them. I drank a matcha latte in one of my worn-down coffee mugs instead of taking time to wash the one that would look the best in a photo. I explored new places, sat in nature, and enjoyed time with those I love without a phone in front of my face. I lived life without fear that it would be messy, unpredictable, or unorganized. Life is meant to be lived and not meant to be experienced behind a screen.
Finally, I realized to truly rest and fill up my cups I need time away from social media. I was able to find peace and take time to fill up my mental, emotion, spiritual, physical, social, and sensory tanks which in turn allowed me to be better for those around me. The next week I felt more like myself, and I was ready to conquer all that life had to throw at me. I was refreshed and ready to continue to pursue my dreams even though they seemed incredibly difficult. Sometimes instead of walking down the mountain we just need a break to rest and then we can continue climbing the rocky terrain to make it closer to the top.
If you are needing help with resting and making time for yourself, check out my free self-care worksheet on my freebies page. It will encourage you to learn how to fully rest so that you can be the best you. It gives you an outline and an idea of where to start with taking time for you. I encourage you to take some time off social media and see how it benefits your life.
One Response
Good luck.